The Founder father of Agri co-operative movement, Shri Kundlikrao Ramrao Jagtap Patil founded the Kukadi co-operative Sugar Factory At Pimpalgaon Pisa, Maharashtra. He strongly trusted in socio economics variation of Rural India through applicable education especially for girls. With this idea, he established ‘Kukadi Education Society' (KES) in the 1982.
Son of Late. Shri Kundlikrao Ramrao Jagtap Patil, Secretary, KES Pimpalgaon Pisa, took upon himself the mission of the interpreting dreams of his father into existing certainties by providing vigorousand sensible leadership to the Society, True to convention of the renowned family...!
It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you at our college website. It is an honour and a privilege to be the Principal of Savitribai college of Arts, Pimpalgoan Pisa which is affiliated to the SavitribaiPhule Pune University, Pune. We understood the need of higher education to the people who are socially and economically backward. Keeping the vision Read more...